10 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Health

The mind is full of  busy thoughts and we are jumping from ideas to emotions to memories for most of our waking hours. Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a mixture of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation. Humans have been practising yoga for over 5,000 years.

1. Yoga can help your heart

Yoga improves the quality of life in people with atrial fibrillation. Heart rate and blood pressure also decreased in subjects who did yoga.

2. Yoga can have a positive effect on your mood.

 People who suffer from bad moody environment all time  should participate in yoga, and deep breathing classes at least twice weekly plus practice at home to receive a significant reduction in their symptoms.

3. Yoga can benefit your lungs.

Patients with COPD who practice yoga can promote their lung function, according to a study. Researchers observed that lung capacity, shortness of breath, and inflammation all exhibited notable improvement after patients finished 12 weeks of training.

4. Yoga can ease physical pain

According to a 2015 study yoga can be safe and efficient for people with arthritis. After eight weeks of yoga classes improved the physical and mental well-being of individuals with knee osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Yoga can help you lose weight

Regular yoga practice is linked with mindful eating, and people who eat mindfully are less inclined to be obese.daily yoga practice might help check middle-age spread in normal-weight people and may encourage weight loss in those who are overweight.

6. Yoga can complement medication

Men with prostate cancer who are undergoing radiation therapy could benefit from yoga.

7. Yoga can boost your energy

Practising yoga for as little as three months can diminish fatigue and reduce inflammation in breast cancer survivors. The more the women in the study practised yoga, the better their results.

8. Yoga counters stress

For women with breast cancer doing radiation therapy, yoga extends unique advantages exceeding fighting fatigue,. Researchers observed that while simple stretching exercises prevented fatigue, patients who engaged in yoga that combined controlled breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques into their treatment plan felt improved ability to engage in their daily activities, better general health and better regulation of cortisol (the stress hormone). Women in the yoga group were also better equipped to find meaning in the illness experience, which diminished over time for the women in the other two groups.

9. Yoga can help reduce inflammation

Frequently practising yoga may decrease the number of inflammatory compounds in the blood and diminish the level of inflammation that usually rises because of both normal ageing and stress, a new study has shown. The study showed that women who routinely practised yoga had lower amounts of the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) in their blood.

10. Yoga takes a bite out of eating disorders

A study published in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly reports that mind-body exercise, such as yoga, is associated with greater body satisfaction and fewer symptoms of eating disorders than traditional aerobic exercise like jogging or using cardio machines.

Is Yoga Right For Everybody?

So scientists are observing that yoga may have far-reaching benefits for your general health and wellbeing but is it right for everybody.
Yoga is an all body exercise, which means it can work every muscle in the body. This fact means that if your body is not functioning optimally then practising yoga will ultimately expose any underlying issues. These problems can be physical, physiological or emotional.
  1. Find a yoga class that is specifically aimed at people with chronic physical health problems.
  2. If you can afford it, start off with one on one instruction.
  3. If you want to start a class, then find one with smaller numbers so that instructor has more time to help you.
  4. Finally, yoga is not about being as good as the person next to you. Stay within your limits. Stop if you need to.


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